This week I would like to talk about the mind, body and soul. I don’t know about you guys but I am a sucker for the herbal remedies. I get reeled in by the idea that these little pills (solely composed of plant) are going help me lose weight, have shinier hair, and glowing skin. Does it really work? Or is it just a placebo affect?
A couple of weeks ago after professing that I had lost my mojo I decided to take on the task of becoming the biggest herbal pill junkie EVER as well as a one of those obsessive gym freaks. I started off well on by going to a 1 and a half hour yoga class. I was one of the only people to have brought their own (bright pink) yoga mat as the ones they give you that smell of feet. I was by far one of the youngest there and by far one of the least flexible.
Do NOT be fooled by yoga, it may look like a lot of deep breathing and stretching but I advise a long hot soak in a bath to ease those stretched muscles afterwards. The next day I went spinning and literally sweat out my body weight. The day after that I did Pilates, which in my opinion, even the most malcoordinated person could do. However I woke up the next morning and my abdominals were so sore it hurt to breathe.
Then came the humdinger.... Body Combat. This class was disturbing yet at the same time extremely satisfying. I was told to think of my reflection as my enemy – talk about encouraging self-loathing! I can tell you now I crawled home from the gym that night but thinking that I may become the new million dollar baby a la Hilary Swank - I have never felt so pumped in my life!
On the herbal drugs front, I am currently taking; Kelp, Cranberry, multivitamins, multi-minerals, Vitamin B supplement, Cod liver oil, calcium AND broad spectrum digestive enzymes. I wash this all down with hot water and cayenne pepper. Yuk I hear you say? Well yes. Am I feeling good? Well no. I’ll tell you why, because after having been so ridiculously healthy for the first half of the week I then found my inner raver and turned in to a party starved blood thirsty woman.
It all started on the Thursday evening when I could hardly move my arms due to excessive air punching. I went to the KOKO club in Camden to see the Darwin Deez. One pint of cider and I was anybody’s; downing the tequila shots and preparing to throw myself on to the mercy of the crowd on which I was going to attempt to surf. Needless to say the crowd were having none of it.
Saturday I found out I was somewhat of an entrepreneur and managed to sell 2 antique cigarette cases at Portobello market. I made 60 smackers! I then of course bought 100 quid’s worth of vintage handbags... mustlearntobudget. This all lead to Saturday evening which is all a bit of a blur but one hell of a good night. Thank you Sacha Harrison! I think we should have “business meeting dinners” more often.
So the verdict on herbal remedies is that they are magic – I’ve totally got my mojo back plus I have shinier hair. I recommend them to everyone except if you suffer from wind – they can be a hazard when commuting on a busy underground...
Just as a little post note, I would just like to express my love for my 2 tone brogues. They could be called spats but they’re way too pretty for that and spats are for boys. Therefore they have been named brogats.
Cordelia Rosa
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